Naulty Family

We have only the barest of information about Letitia Naulty (or Nulty or McNulty) Gough and her parents and siblings. All we have at the moment about her life in Ireland is from her tombstone in St. Gabriel’s Cemetery, which indicates that she was born in Nobber, County Meath.

According to records at St. Gabriel’s Catholic Church in Hazleton, an Anna Naulty served as the baptismal sponsor for Letitia and Peter’s youngest daughter, Catherine. Immigrants often chose family members as the sponsors for their children in their new homeland, so it is reasonable to conclude that Anna and Letitia were related in some way, possibly as sisters.

That said, we know nothing more about Anna, not even whether she was married. In many instances, the baptismal and marriage registers at St. Gabriel’s list female sponsors with their maiden — not married — names, even when we know from other records that these women were indeed married at the time they served as sponsors or witnesses. As a result, Anna could be a sister-in-law and not a sister; more information may help fill in some of these gaps.

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